Cumulated Yearly Shipping Revenue | Discount | Status | Explanation |
EUR 0.00 – 500.00 | 0% | Neuling | You dont get a monetary benefit, but our customer service ladies are there to support you for every query – package, pallet, freight or any bulky item… we are supporting you! |
EUR 501.00 – 5,000.00 | 3% | Einkäufer | You get 3% discount on your shipping fees. You know our services already and are confident in using myGermany! |
EUR 5,001.00 – 12,000.00 | 7% | Experte | You get 7% discount on your shipping fees. We know your behavior and are already confident in providing you the most suitable services you need! |
EUR 12,001.00 onwards | 10% | Partner | You get 10% discount on your shipping fees. We know you; and you know us. We trust each other and reward your loyality with 10%. |
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